Deutsches Lied - Song Search


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Song Title Melody / Region Melody Year Text / Region Text Year Arranger Sourcebook Page # Song # Century Song Attributes
andante a. flemming guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 3 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
andante religioso h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 3 Religious and Yulesong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
bundeslied wolfgang amadeus mozart guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 4 18 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
o sanctissimo kirchenlied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 4 Religious and Yulesong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
grad' aus dem wirtshaus komm ich raus volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 5 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
herber abschied friedrich silcher guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 5 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
im wald und auf der heide volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 6 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
untreue volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 6 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
andante h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 7 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
der jäger aus kurpfalz volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 7 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
die kapelle conradin kreutzer guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 8 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
mein böhmerwald h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 8 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
am brunnen vor dem tore volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 9 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
morgen muß ich fort von hier friedrich silcher guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 9 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
rosenstock, holderblüh' volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 10 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
russisches dreigespann volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 10 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
so leb denn wohl, du stilles haus volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 10 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
der tyroler und sein kind volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 11 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:G, Unique Song
o strassburg, o strassburg, du wunderschöne stadt volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 11 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
ein männlein steht im walde volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 12 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
sah ein knab' ein röslein stehn (heideröslein) volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 12 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
das war der herr von rodenstein guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 13 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:G
der mai ist gekommen guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 13 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
jägers abschied felix mendelssohn-bartholdy guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 14 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
lauterbach volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 14 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
hinaus in die ferne guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 15 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
reiters morgenlied volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 15 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
die lorelei volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 16 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
freut euch des lebens volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 16 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
unterländers heimweh schwaben guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 17 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
heimat h. tschirch guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 18 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
im mai schwaben guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 18 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
sandmännchen volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
waffentanz conradin kreutzer guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 19 19 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
gebet n. mehul guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 20 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
laue lüfte volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 20 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:G, Unique Song
abschied von der heimat volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 21 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
der wendelstein volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 21 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:D, Unique Song
was braucht denn a jaga? tirol guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 22 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
zillerthal tirol guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 22 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
's schuhplattln h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 23 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
schier dreissig jahre bist du alt volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 23 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
ländler h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 24 Dance/playsong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C
turnerlied volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 24 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
polka h. bicherl guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 26 Dance/playsong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
babettchen-polka b. fritz guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 27 Dance/playsong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
gebirgs-ländler b. fritz guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 28 Dance/playsong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
das lied vom radi volkslied guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 30 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:C, Unique Song
schnadahüpfeln b. fritz guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 30 Dance/playsong, Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A, Unique Song
deutschland, deutschland über alles joseph haydn guitarre-album von thomas bicherl, edition fritz nr. 3 A1533 31 18 Only notation, Guitar arrangement, 0 Verses, Key:A
Song Title Melody / Region Melody Year Text / Region Text Year Arranger Sourcebook Page # Song # Century Song Attributes
50 found1