Deutsches Lied - Komponisten & Dichter

Werke von "WALFORD DAVIES" (1869-1941)

Liedtitel Melodie/Region Melodie Jahr Text/Region Text Jahr Tonsatz Quelle
god be in my head (from an old sarum primer) h. walford davies h. walford davies the first book of campfire songs, 1944 W322-1   Einzigartig
i'll sing you one-ho (green grow the rushes ho) h. walford davies h. walford davies the first book of campfire songs, 1944 W322-1
the summer days are come again, once more the glad earth yields her golden wealth of ripeneing grain h. walford davies samuel longfellow sing joyfully (zusammengestellt von der hutterischen brudergemeinde), 1985 A1266a   Einzigartig
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