Deutsches Lied - Komponisten & Dichter

Werke von "SYDNEY CARTER" (1914-2004)

Liedtitel Melodie/Region Melodie Jahr Text/Region Text Jahr Tonsatz Quelle
as i went out one morning i was singing a country song sydney carter 1963 sydney carter 1963 der schräge turm W42c
dance, dance wherever you may be, i am the lord of the dance said he sydney carter 1963 liederbuch der deutschen reform-jugend - nur zum internen gebrauch, 1995-2000 W290   Einzigartig
i danced in the morning sydney carter 1963 sydney carter 1963 der funke, christliche pfadfinderschaft deutschland, 2009 W59b
i danced in the morning when the world was begun sydney carter 1963 sydney carter 1963 tonspur - heliand pfadfinderschaft, 2012 G W275a
i danced in the morning when the world was begun sydney carter sydney carter unter dem kohtenkreuz - stamm christopherus im BdP W277
i danced in the morning when the world was begun sydney carter sydney carter tonspur - heliand pfadfinderschaft, 2005 G W275
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter musigato - liederbuch des stammes wildkatzen, dpbm 2002 W253
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter bulibu ll, dpb mosaik - bundesliederbuch, 2001 W256
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter wulibu - stamm graf luckner, dpb mosaik, 2002 W260
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter notebook, 2012 A1216
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter alibi - das liederbuch der jungenschaft artus, 1996-2005 G W343
i danced in the morning when the world was begun (lord of the dance) sydney carter sydney carter pfadfinder liederbuch DPSG W150
i danced in the morning when the world was young (lord of the dance) sydney carter 1963 sydney carter 1963 pfadirallala ll, VCP W59c
i danced in the morning when the world weas young (lord of the dance) sydney carter liedband zum 3. hamburger singewettstreit 1980 W258-3
i danced on the morning when the world was begun (the lord of the dance) sydney carter liederheft zum 22. hamburger singewettstreit 1999 W258-22   Einzigartig
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